Acts 28 – An invaluable liberating truth, and worth a lifetime.
Will you help me spread the Word?
An Appeal.
What we have found.
The Word of God is a treasure trove of truth, and once we unlock these treasures with the study rules given us, the Word comes alive. What a difference right division has made in our lives.
What others need.
Many believers struggle with the Word of God because dispensational truth is shunned by tradition, but we know this key to understanding is what they need.
What is the truth for today?
The dispensational truths given the world through Paul after Israel was set aside at Acts 28.
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And everything, whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. Col 3:16-17.
What I do.
After a lifetime of dedication to right division, it is my joy to share these truths with you and the world in a variety of ways.
I have and continue to promote the truth through.
2. Emails lessons
3. Videos
4. Online chat
5. Personal email support
6. Phone calls
7. Gab
8. X (Twitter)
9. Small group Bible studies (yes, I am open to travel).
These I have maintained at my own expense for nearly all my life, but I am no longer able to work, I have no savings, no continuing income and others provide life’s essentials. I truly struggle, and my truths make me unpopular.
What you can do.
This is not directed to my current supporters. Thank you.
I am not appealing to you who already provide support for this one-person ministry. BUT, less than ten (10). Yes, less than ten (10) people send help occasionally and only a very few send regularly.
I am appealing to you who have not been aware of my needs; is there any way you can provide support including continuing support for this ministry?
Some of you attend the church of your choice and rightfully support it, but would you consider supporting an out of network ministry that has propelled you forward in your Bible understanding?
There are nearly 400 subscribers on this list, of which only four (4) are paid subscribers.
After a recent appeal through the video channel, one person (1) responded, yet there are over 200 viewers who benefit from them.
Here is how you can help.
1. Regular donation, through the donate tag on my website Look for the “Please Help” heart on your browser. Bottom right.
1. Zelle any help direct through my phone +1-321-368-9482
2. Subscribe to my substack. Please note, there are no extra postings for subscribers, this is only a means where you can help.
Every contribution is greatly appreciated and I know you will enjoy the shared ministry that the Lord has made available to us.
I know there are appeals everywhere and you must make choices as to who, how and how much, thank you for considering my needs in all of them.
Please Help.
Thank you.
Brian R Kelson